Welcome to the Woodwalton IDB Information page, within this section you will find the latest news, minutes from meetings, agendas for the next meetings, maps, accounts and much more.
Policy Statement
It is our policy to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all staff and to ensure sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision is provided for this purpose.
We also accept our duty to provide as much resource as may be required to achieve as a minimum, compliance with legislation where mandated by law. Continuous improvement of Health & Safety remains our objective, especially if there is a business case for doing so. We further accept responsibility for the health and safety of other people who may be affected by our activities.

Contact Numbers
John Stanley C Papworth
a. 1 Yaxley Road, holme, Peterborough, PE7 3PL
t. 01487 830325
m. 07909925997
Johnathan R Papworth (Chairman)
a. The Bungalow, Middle Farm, Connington, Peterborough, PE7 3QG
t. 01487 830344
m. 07860299265
e. jp@djpapworth.co.uk
Stephen D Papworth (Vice Chairman)
a. Charterhouse Farm, Ramsey Road, Holme, Peterborough, PE7 3PW
t. 01733 244306
m. 07947738417
Andrew Lensen
a. AG Reserves Ltd, Manor Farm, Church End, Woodwalton, PE28 5YU
t. 01478 831843
e. alensen@agreserves.co.uk
Jamie Rule
a. 88 High Street, Ramsey, PE26 1BS
t. 01487 711110
m. 07867557610
Lorna Parker (Reserves Manager)
a. Wildlife Trust for BCNP, The Manor House, Borad St, Gt Cambourne, CBN23 6DH
t. 01954 713500
e. lorna.parker@wildlifebcnp.org
Cllr Simon Bywater (HDC Rep)
e. simon.bywater@huntingdonshire.gov.uk
Christopher Evans (Natural England)
t. 07979873504
Richard Price (Clerk)
a. 29a High Street, Moulton, Spalding, PE12 6QB
e. rprice.wcidb@gmail.com